Developer Guide for Zer0Note

Table Of Contents

1. Introduction
  1.1. Welcome!
  1.2. How to use this document
2. Setting up
  2.1. Prerequisites
  2.2. Setting up the project in your computer
  2.3. Verifying the setup
  2.4. Configure coding style
3. Design
  3.1. Architecture
  3.2. UI Component
  3.3. Commands Component
  3.4. Tasks Component
  3.5. Notebooks Component
  3.6. Storage Component
4. Implementation
  4.1. Mode Switch Feature
  4.2. Timetable Mode
    4.2.1. Tasklist Management Feature
    4.2.2. Mark as done Feature
    4.2.3. Tag Feature
    4.2.4. List Feature
    4.2.5. Search Feature
  4.3. Notebook Mode
    4.3.1. Notebook Management Feature
    4.3.2. Select Feature
    4.3.3. Tag Feature
    4.3.4. Search Feature
  4.4. Storage
    4.4.1. Storage Format
    4.4.2. Implementation
  4.5. Error handling
  4.6. Personalised Messages
  4.7. (Proposed) Save feature for the tagging function
5. Documentation
  5.1. Setting up and maintaining the project website
  5.2. Style guidance
  5.3. Diagrams
  5.4. Converting a document to the PDF Format
6. Testing
  6.1. Running tests
  6.2. Types of tests
Appendix A: Project Scope
Appendix B: User Stores
Appendix C: Use Cases
Appendix D: Non-Functional Requirements
Appendix E: Glossary
Appendix F: Instructions for manual testing

1. Introduction

1.1. Welcome!

Welcome, and thank you for choosing to help contribute to Zer0Note! Zer0Note is a command-line based note-taking and organisation application. It is designed to combine the features of graphical tools like OneNote and Notion, with the editing speed of applications like vim and emacs.

This document is for developers intending to improve Zer0Note, by fixing bugs, or perhaps adding entirely new features. It explains how the project is set up, the architecture used, and the code style you should adopt when contributing code to the project.

1.2. How to use this document

1.2.1. Keywords

Text that looks like this denotes a keyword or small extract of code.

Example: The CliUserInterface is used to handle input and output to and from the console.

1.2.2. Code blocks

    Text that looks like this denotes a larger extract of code.


    System.out.println("This is a code block!");

1.2.3. UI elements

Text that looks like this denotes a button, or other UI element you may see on screen.

Example: Click Configure > Project Defaults > Project Structure

1.2.4. Tips

Text that looks like this indicates a tip, providing additional information that is useful but not critically important


We use this method because Chrome’s built-in PDF viewer preserves hyperlinks.

1.2.5. Important information

:exclamation: Text that looks like this, beginning with the :exclamation: sign indicates information that is very important, such as warnings about potential mistakes or common problems


:exclamation: Caution Follow the steps in the following guide precisely.

2. Setting up

The following section describes how to set up the coding environment on your own computer, in order to start writing code to improve Zer0Note.

2.1. Prerequisites

  1. JDK 11
  2. IntelliJ IDEA

2.2. Setting up the project in your computer

:exclamation: Follow the steps in the following guide precisely. Things will not work out if you deviate in some steps.

  1. Fork this repo, and clone the fork into your computer.
  2. Open IntelliJ (if you are not in the welcome screen, click File > Close Project to close the existing project dialog first).
  3. Set up the correct JDK version for Gradle
    a. Click Configure > Project Defaults > Project Structure
    b. Click New... and find the directory of the JDK.
  4. Click Import Project.
  5. Locate the build.gradle file and select it. Click OK.
  6. Click Open as Project.
  7. Click OK to accept the default settings.

2.3. Verifying the setup

  1. Run the teetwelvedashthree.zeronote.Duke.
  2. Try a few commands.
  3. Run the tests to ensure they all pass.

2.4. Configure the coding style

If using IDEA, follow the guide [se-edu/guides] IDEA: Configuring the code style to set up IDEA’s coding style to match ours.

Optionally, you can follow the guide [se-edu/guides] Using Checkstyle to find how to use the CheckStyle within IDEA e.g., to report problems as you write code.

3. Design

The following section describes the design and implementation of the product. We use UML diagrams and code snippets to explain some aspects of the code. If you are unfamiliar with UML, the diagrams should still be fairly understandable. However, you may wish to consult [CS2113/T] Modeling for a quick introduction to UML.

3.1 Architecture

How the architecture components interact with each other

The following diagram provides a rough overview of how Zer0Note is built.

Architecture Diagram

Figure [1]. Architecture of the application

The CliUserInterface (see here) is the “highest” layer of the application, in the sense that it interacts directly with the user, and it passes along the input to other classes. The CliUserInterface contains the state of the application, stored in an instance of AppState. It then uses the other classes such as InputParser and the various CliCommand classes to execute the instructions provided by the user . This is explained in more detail in the following sections.

3.2 UI Component

The user interface of Zer0Note is provided by the class CliUserInterface. It is instantiated once in the main method, and its run() method is called to start the UI for the application.

The CliUserInterface class contains an instance of AppState. This class, as the name implies, contains the current state of the running instance of the application. For example, it contains the user data, the current mode, the navigation state (i.e. currently chosen notebook/section/page).

The process below describes the operation of the run() method in CliUserInterface:

3.3. Commands Component

Every command that a user can input into Zer0Note is represented by an object that extends the abstract class CliCommand. CliCommand contains some basic fields and methods that are shared by all types of commands, such as:

The following 2 UML diagrams show the different types of CliCommand components used in the application.

This diagram describes the CliCommands related to the Timetable mode.

UML diagram for Timetable Commands Figure [2]. Class diagram for Timetable commands

This diagram describes the CliCommands related to the Notebook mode.

UML diagrams for Notebook Commands Figure [3]. Class diagram for Notebook commands

3.4. Tasks Component

UML Diagram from Task Component

Figure [4]. Class diagram for the Task component

The Tasks component,

The TaskList class,

3.5. Notebooks Component

UML diagram for Notebooks Component Figure [5]. Class diagram for the Notebooks component

The Notebooks class,

The NotebookShelf class,

The Notebook class,

The Section object,

The Page object,

3.6. Storage Component

UML diagram for Storage Figure [6]. Class diagram for the Storage component

The Storage component,

4. Implementation

The following section describes the implementation of certain key features in the current version of Zer0Note. It also provides some background into our (the original developers of Zer0Note) thinking and the rationale behind the decisions.

4.1. Mode Switch Feature

4.1.1. Implementation

The mode switch mechanism is facilitated by AppState. It contains an AppMode object and can be accessed from Mode Switch object. The AppMode is an enum which have five possible values: TIMETABLE, NOTEBOOK_SHELF , NOTEBOOK_BOOK, NOTEBOOK_SECTION, NOTEBOOK_PAGE. Users can only use the mode command to switch to either TIMETABLE or NOTEBOOK_SHELF modes. The rest of the modes are used by developers when implementing the select command.

The following sequence diagram shows how the mode switch operation works:

Sequence Diagram for Mode Switch Command Figure [7]. Sequence diagram for the Mode Switch Command

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the find mode switch function behaves.

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The AppState object is constructed and the AppMode field is set to TIMETABLE by default.

Step 2. The user types mode /n. The mode /t command is passed through InputParser#getCommandFromInput, which constructs a ModeSwitch object and calls ModeSwitch#execute().

Step 3. execute() is called, which then set the AppMode field in the AppState object either to TIMETABLE or NOTEBOOK_SHELF or throw an InvalidCommandException.

Step 4. To signal that the user has successfully changed the mode, a message is printed with the current mode of the program.

4.2. Timetable Mode

4.2.1. TaskList Management Feature


TaskList is implemented to manage and store the tasks input by the user. It comprises an ArrayList list of Tasks, and a few helper methods.

This means that multiple operations such as addition and deletion can be done on a Task, without affecting the contents of other Task in the TaskList.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the Add task function behaves.

  1. The user launches the application for the first time. CliUserInterface#executeCommand is called when the user adds a Task into the TaskList.

  2. The user types add /tTask /by19-10-2020 1900. The add command is passed through InputParser#getCommandFromInput, which then creates a constructor for AddCommandTimetableMode.

  3. AddCommandTimetableMode#execute() is called, which then calls InputParser#parseTaskTitle, which first extracts the title from the user’s input.

  4. InputParser#parseDeadline is then called, which returns the deadline to AddCommandTimetableMode#execute().

  5. TaskList#addTask is then called and a new Task, with title and deadline, is initialised.

  6. To signal that the user has successfully added a task, a message is printed with CliMessages#printAddedTaskMessage.

The UML sequence diagram below shows how the add task command works. Sequence Diagram for Add Task Command Figure [8]. Sequence diagram for the Add Task Command

TaskList also allows the deletion of tasks by the user.

The figure below shows how the delete task command works: Sequence Diagram for Delete Task Command Figure [9]. Sequence diagram for the Delete Task Command

Here are the general steps that the command goes through when the user inputs “delete 1”:

  1. The CliUserInterface receives the “delete 1” input by the user and passes it to the InputParser class.
  2. InputParser parses the input to determine the type of command, and the index of the task that is required to delete.
  3. InputParser constructs a RemoveCommandTimetableMode and passes the index number to the class.
  4. RemoveCommandTimetableMode#execute() is called to delete the task.
  5. If the task is deleted, RemoveCommandTimetableMode#execute() also calls CliMessages#printRemoveTaskMessage to display the success message to the user.
  6. CliUserInterface#IsTriggerAutosave is called to verify whether a change has been made in the TaskList or NotebookShelf.

Design Considerations

Aspect: How to store tasks in TaskList

4.2.2. Mark as done feature


The Task class contains a member isDone of Boolean type.

The following sequence diagram shows how the mark as done operation works:

Sequence diagram for Mark as done

Figure [10]. Sequence diagram for Mark as Done Command

The following is an example of the processes that occur when the user uses the mark as done function:

  1. The user types done 1. The done 1 command is passed through InputParser#getCommandFromInput, which constructs a DoneCommandTimetableMode object and calls DoneCommandTimetable#execute().

  2. execute() is called, which then initialises a variable taskList of type TaskList. The method then calls AppState#getTaskList, which returns all existing tasks in the current tasklist.

  3. The execute() method proceeds to parse the user’s intended task index to be marked as done through Integer.parseInt(). Using this index, it initialises a variable taskDone of type task and calls AppState#markAsDone(index).

  4. Appstate#markAsDone(index) calls the isDone() method in task, which changes the isDone variable in the specific task to be true.

  5. After taskDone is initialised, a CliMessages object of name messages calls a method printMarkDone(taskDone) with the variable taskDone as the argument, which in turn prints a success message with the respective task to the user.

4.2.3. Tag Feature

The user can tag Tasks in the TaskList. This section describes the implementation and design considerations for this feature.


The Task class contains a member tag of String type.

The figure below shows how the tag operation works:

Sequence Diagram for Tag Timetable command

Figure [11]. Sequence diagram for Tag Timetable Command

There are the general steps during the tag operation. When the user enters tag 1 /tCS2113T into the command window while using the application:

  1. The CliUserInterface receives the “tag 1 /tCS2113T” input by the user and passes it to the InputParser class.
  2. InputParser#getCommandFromInput parses the input to get the task index number and the tag description
  3. InputParser#getCommandFromInput then constructs the TagCommandTimetableMode class and returns it to CliUserInterface.
  4. TagCommandTimetableMode#execute() is called to tag the task.
  5. If the tag is added successfully, TagCommandTimetableMode#execute() calls CliMessages#printTagTaskMessage to display the success message to the user.
  6. CliUserInterface#IsTriggerAutosave is called to verify whether a change has been made in the TaskList or NotebookShelf.

Design Considerations This section describes some considerations involved when designing the tag feature.

Aspect: How to store the tags

4.2.4. List Feature


The following sequence diagram shows how the list operation works:

Sequence Diagram for List Urgent

Figure [12]. Sequence diagram for List Command in Timetable Mode

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the list function behaves.

Step 1. The user types list /urgent. The list /urgent command is passed through InputParser#getCommandFromInput, which constructs a ListCommandTimetableMode object and calls ListCommandTimetableMode#execute().

Step 2. execute() is called, which then calls the sort() function of Collections utility class and sort the list based on the due date of the Task objects in the list.

Step 3. The program prints up to three tasks in the sorted list.

4.2.5. Search Feature

This feature allows the user to search for tasks by keyword or by tag. Refer to Tag Feature for more information on the implementation of tags.

This section explains the implementation and design considerations for the search feature.


The class FindCommandTimetableMode executes the search feature. The following sequence diagram shows an example of how the complete command works:

Sequence Diagram for Find command Figure [13]. Sequence diagram for Find Command in Timetable Mode

For example, when the user enters find /tCS2113T into the command window while using the application:

  1. The CliUserInterface receives the “find /tCS2113T” input by the user and passes it to the InputParser class.
  2. InputParser#getCommandFromInput parses the input to return an empty keyword and the tag description.
  3. InputParser#getCommandFromInput then constructs the FindCommandTimetableMode class and returns it to CliUserInterface.
  4. FindCommandTimetableMode#execute() is called to conduct the search. a. If tag is empty, execute() calls getTasksWithTitleContainingKeyword(tasks), which returns all tasks which contain the keyword in their title. b. If keyword is empty, execute() calls getTasksWithTag(tasks), which returns all tasks with the tag.
  5. If the tag is added successfully, TagCommandTimetableMode#execute() displays all found tasks to the user.
  6. CliUserInterface#IsTriggerAutosave is called to verify whether a change has been made in the TaskList or NotebookShelf.

Design Considerations

This section describes some considerations involved when designing the find feature.

Aspect: Distinction between finding by keyword and finding by tag

4.3. Notebook Mode

4.3.1. Notebook Management Feature

As shown in Figure 1, the NotebookShelf class comprises instances of Notebook class. Notebook comprises Section and Section comprises Page. The navigability is not bidirectional. Multiple operations such as addition and deletion can be done without affecting other instances at all, while updating the Notebook it is in.

This section explains the implementation and design considerations for managing Notebooks.


There are two main functions in notebook management: add and remove.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the add notebook function behaves.

  1. The user launches the application for the first time. CliUserInterface#executeCommand is called when the user adds new Notebook into the NotebookShelf.

  2. The user types add /nCS2113T. The add command is passed through InputParser#getCommandFromInput.

  3. InputParser#parseNotebookTitle is then called, and it returns the titleToAdd, which is CS2113T.

  4. A constructor for AddCommandNotebookMode is created.

  5. AddCommandNotebookMode#execute() runs, which then calls NotebookShelf#addNotebook.

  6. A new Notebook, entitled CS2113T is initialised.

The UML sequence diagram below shows how the add notebook command works. Sequence Diagram for Add Notebook Command Figure [14]. Sequence diagram for Add Command in Notebook Mode

Notebook Mode also allows the user to remove a notebook/section/page.

The figure below shows how the “delete notebook” command works: Sequence Diagram for Delete Notebook Command Figure [15]. Sequence diagram for Delete Command in Notebook Mode

The sequence diagram above depicts an example where the user wants to delete a page:

  1. The CliUserInterface receives the “delete /nCS2113T /sTP /p11” input by the user and passes it to the InputParser class.
  2. InputParser#getCommandFromInput parses the input to return the notebook title “CS2113T”, section title “TP”, and the page title “11”.
  3. InputParser#getCommandFromInput then constructs the RemoveCommandNotebookMode class and returns it to CliUserInterface.
  4. RemoveCommandNotebookMode#execute() is called to delete the page. a. If the user is in a bookshelf, execute() calls removeFromNotebookshelf(). b. If the user is in a notebook, execute() calls removeFromNotebook(Notebook). c. If the user is in a section, execute() calls removeFromSection(Section).
  5. CliUserInterface#IsTriggerAutosave is called to verify whether a change has been made in the NotebookShelf.

4.3.2. Select Feature

The user can select a Notebook, Section or Page to view its contents. This section describes the implementation and design considerations for this feature.


Given below is an example usage scenario and how the select notebook function behaves.

  1. CliUserInterface#executeCommand is called when the user selects a Notebook from the NotebookShelf.

  2. The user types select /nCS2113T. The select command is passed through InputParser#getCommandFromInput.

  3. InputParser#getCommandFromInput returns the command SelectCommandNotebookMode.

  4. A constructor for SelectCommandNotebookMode is created.

  5. SelectCommandNotebookMode#execute() runs, which then calls InputParser#extractParams.

  6. If the argument typed by the user contains /n, which is the Notebook delimiter, InputParser#extractNotebookParams is called.

  7. Within InputParser#extractNotebookParams, AppState#setAppMode is called to set the AppMode as NOTEBOOK_BOOK.

The UML sequence diagram below shows how the select notebook command works. Sequence Diagram for Select Command Figure [16]. Sequence diagram for Select Command in Notebook Mode

Design Considerations

Aspect: How much navigability the Select function should have

4.3.3. Tag Feature

The user can add a tag to a Notebook, Section or Page. This section describes the implementation and design considerations for this feature.


The Notebook, Section and Page classes each contain a member tag of type String.

The figure below shows how the tag operation works:

Sequence Diagram for Tag Notebook command Figure [17]. Sequence diagram for Tag Command in Notebook Mode

When the user enters tag /tCS2113T into the command window while using the application:

  1. The CliUserInterface receives the “tag /tCS2113T” input by the user and passes it to the InputParser class.
  2. CliUserInterface#executeCommand(String argument) calls InputParser#getCommandFromInput.
  3. InputParser#getCommandFromInput first parses the input to return the tag “CS2113T”.
  4. InputParser#getCommandFromInput then constructs the TagCommandNotebookMode class and returns it to CliUserInterface.
  5. TagCommandNotebookMode#execute() is called to add a tag to the notebook/section/page the user is in.
  6. CliUserInterface#IsTriggerAutosave is called to verify whether a change has been made in the NotebookShelf.

Design Considerations This section describes some considerations involved when designing the tag feature.

Aspect: How to store the tags

4.3.4. Search Feature

This feature works similarly to the search feature in the Timetable mode. Refer to Tag Feature for more information on the implementation of tags in the Notebook mode.


The following sequence diagram shows how the search feature works in the notebook mode:

Sequence Diagram for Find Notebook Command Figure [18]. Sequence diagram for Find Command in Notebook Mode

As the implementation of the search feature in the Notebook mode is similar to that in the Timetable mode, except:

Design Considerations

Aspect: Way to search through the notebook shelf

4.3.5. List Feature


The following sequence diagram shows how the list operation in the notebook mode works:

Sequence Diagram for List Figure [19]. Sequence diagram for List Command in Notebook Mode

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the list function behaves.

Step 1. The user types list /s. The list /s command is passed through InputParser#getCommandFromInput, which constructs a ListCommandNoteMode object and calls ListCommandNotebookMode#execute().

Step 2. execute() is called, which then calls the print functions based on the AppMode field in AppState.

Step 3. The program prints the contents corresponding to the input or throw an exception if the command is invalid.

4.4. Storage

The Storage class reads and writes the application state to and from a text file.

4.4.1. Storage format

This section describes the format used to store the TaskList and NotebookShelf from the application state in a plain text file.

:exclamation: The operating system newline character is used to terminate lines; that is, \r\n on Windows and \n on UNIX-based systems. TaskList

For TaskList, the format is as follows: Page

For a single page, the format is as follows: Section

For a single section, the format is as follows: Notebook

For a single notebook, the format is as follows: NotebookShelf

For NotebookShelf, the format is as follows:

4.4.2. Implementation

TaskList, Task,NotebookShelf, Notebook, Section, and page contain methods called serialize(). These methods returnString representations of themselves, as specified here.

The serialize() method in TaskList calls the serialize() methods for every Task object within it and combines their outputs with a StringBuilder.

The serialize() method in NotebookShelf calls the serialize() methods for every Notebook object within it and combines their outputs with a StringBuilder.

The serialize() method in Notebook calls the serialize() methods for every Section object within it and combines their outputs with a StringBuilder.

The serialize() method in Section calls the serialize() methods for every Page object within it and combines their outputs with a StringBuilder. Saving the application state

The following sequence diagram describes the operation of the saveToFile() operation.

Sequence Diagram for saveToFile command Figure [20]. Sequence diagram for save application method

Note: The diagram above does not show how the saveToFile() method saves Task objects from the TaskList, in the interest of brevity. The operation of the method is very similar for the TaskList, except the hierarchy is much simpler for tasks (since Task objects do not contain other objects).

The Storage.saveToFile() method saves the current application state to a file.

It gets the NotebookShelf and TaskList objects from the current appState, passed in as a parameter. Then, as described above in the sequence diagram, it iterates through the lists of Task objects in the TaskList and Notebook objects in the NotebookShelf, calling their serialize() methods, which in turn call the serialize() methods for each of their contained objects (if applicable). The saveToFile() method then uses FileWriters to write to File objects, saving the serialized version of the application state to two text files. Reading the application state

The following sequence diagram describes the operation of the readFromFile() operation.

The Storage.readFromFile() method creates an instance of AppState based on the contents of the saved text files, and returns said instance of AppState if reading the save files was successful, and a blank instance otherwise.

readFromFile() uses Scanners, and the Scanner.nextLine() method to read the text files line by line. It parses the lines containing integers indicating the number of notebooks/sections/pages/tasks, and subsequently uses for loops to read the appropriate number of lines.

Each iteration of the loop creates a new instance of Task/Notebook/Section/Page as appropriate, using the constructor to set the fields appropriately based on what is read from the save file, and then it adds the objects to the appropriate container (i.e. adds each Task to the TaskList, adds each Page to its respective Section etc. ). It then stores the loaded TaskList and NotebookShelf to a new instance of AppState and returns this.

4.5 Error Handling

The ZeroNoteException class extends Exception by printing an error message to the user when the user encounters an exception.

The following example is a scenario that demonstrates how exceptions are handled in Zer0Note.

  1. The user launches the application for the first time. CliUserInterface#executeCommand is called when the user types in hello.

  2. The hello command is passed through a switch-case block within InputParser#getCommandFromInput.

    Here is a small snippet of the switch-case block:

     case ModeSwitch.COMMAND_WORD:
     return new ModeSwitch(argument, appState);
     throw new InvalidCommandException(userInput);
  3. As hello is not a command in Zer0Note, InvalidCommandException which extends ZeroNoteException will be thrown.

  4. This ZeroNoteException is caught by CliUserInterface#run, which will then call ZeroNoteException#printErrorMessage.

4.6 Personalised Messages

The PersonalisedMessageGenerator class prints out a personalised message to the users after particular commands are executed successfully. A personal message is generated by randomising an encouraging message, and is printed together with the name entered by the user upon launch of Zer0Note.

The following is an example of how the PersonalisedMessageGenerator class is used:
Assuming the user has input the username of ‘Tom’ into Zer0Note.

  1. User adds a task with the given deadline.

  2. execute() is called, where the boolean method printsPersonalisedMessage() in the CliCommand class is called.

  3. printsPersonalisedMessage() returns a boolean variable of the name PRINTS_PERSONAL_MESSAGE, which determines whether a personalised message will be printed for the given command.

  4. printsPersonalisedMessage() returns true for the add command, which calls the generatePersonalisedMessage() method in PersonalMessageGenerator class.

  5. generatePersonalisedMessage() returns a string which contains the random generated personal message to the user.

4.7. (Proposed) Save feature for the tagging function

The proposed save feature for the tagging function will be to save the user’s respective tags under both tasks and notebooks into the tasks.txt and notebooks.txt files in the same directory as the JAR file.
The save feature will be included in the Storage class as a saveTags() method, similar to the other save features (eg. saveTask() method). This saveTags() method will be included under the saveToFile() method.

  1. saveTags() will get the NotebookShelf and TaskList objects from the current appState, passed in as a parameter.

  2. After which, it iterates through the lists of Task objects in the TaskList and Notebook objects in the NotebookShelf, calling each of their serialize() methods, which in turn calls the serialize() methods for each of their contained objects (if applicable).

  3. The saveToFile() method then uses FileWriters to write to File objects, saving the serialized version of the application state to two text files.

5. Documentation

The following section describes how documentation for the project should be written. Note: documentation is all written in GitHub-Flavoured Markdown.

5.1. Setting up and maintaining the project website.

5.2. Style guidance

5.3. Diagrams

We use Microsoft Visio Professional 2019 to draw our UML diagrams. If you do not have access to this software, free alternatives such as Lucidchart, Google Drawings, LibreOffice Draw and many others are also available. If you wish to contribute diagrams (which we recommend you do if you contribute new features!), you may use any software of your choosing to draw the diagrams, as long as the finished product somewhat resembles those we already have and follows UML syntax strictly.

5.4. Converting a document to the PDF Format

We use Chrome for converting documentation to PDF format.

Reason: Chrome’s PDF engine preserves hyperlinks used in Web pages.

Here are the steps to convert the project documentation files to PDF format.

  1. Go to your generated documentation site on GitHub using Chrome.
  2. Within Chrome, click on the Print option in Chrome’s menu.
  3. Set the destination to Save as PDF, then click Save to save a copy of the file in PDF format. For best results, use the settings indicated in the screenshot below.

Figure [21]. Screenshot of Save as PDF settings

6. Testing

The following section describes the testing methodologies followed in this project to ensure high-quality, bug-free code as far as possible.

6.1. Running tests

There are two ways to run tests.

6.2. Types of tests

This project has one type of test:

Unit tests targeting the lowest level methods/classes. e.g. teetwelvedashthree.zeronote.userinterface.command.notebook.AddNotebookTest

Appendix A: Project Scope

Target user profile

Value proposition:
manage both tasks and notes faster and lighter than a typical mouse/GUI driven app

Appendix B: User Stories

Priorities: High (must have) - ***, Medium (nice to have) - **, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a … I want to … So that I can …
*** user record and save my notes review them later
*** student view all tasks and sections of my notebook have a clear view of my progress
*** new user have usage instructions refer to instructions when I forget how to use the App
** forgetful user see the most urgent tasks prioritise my tasks
* long-time user have personalised messages feel attached to my notes

Appendix C: Use Cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the Zer0Note and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Add task

  1. User requests to add a task
  2. Zer0Note adds the task to the list
  3. Zer0Note displays a personalised message to the user.


Use case: Delete task

  1. User requests to list tasks
  2. Zer0Note shows a list of tasks
  3. User requests to delete a specific task in the list
  4. Zer0Note deletes the task
    Use case ends.


Use case: Find task

  1. User tries to find a task with a given string in the title
  2. Zer0Note prints a list of tasks with titles matching that string
  3. Zer0Note prints a personalised message Use case ends


Use case: List notebooks

  1. User wants to list the notebooks/sections/pages in the current location.
  2. Zer0Note lists all the notebooks/sections/pages in the current location.
  3. Zer0Note prints a personalised message.

Use case: Add tags and find by tags

  1. User requests to list tasks
  2. Zer0Note shows a list of tasks
  3. User requests to add a tag to a task in the list
  4. Zer0Note adds the tag to the chosen task
  5. User requests to add the same tag to another task in the list
  6. Zer0Note adds the tag to the chosen task
  7. User requests list tasks with the tag used above
  8. Zer0Note lists out the tasks with the specified tag Use case ends.

Appendix D: Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 persons without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.

Appendix E: Glossary

Appendix F: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

1. Launch and Shutdown

1.1. Initial launch
i. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder.
ii. Double-click the jar file
Expected: Command Line Interface should launch with a welcome message from Zer0Note as shown below:

Welcome to
 _ _ _                  _ _ _   _    _            _
|_ _  |   _ _    _  _  |  _  | |  \ | |   _ _   _| |_    _ _
  /  /  /  _  \ | |/_\ | | | | |   \| |  /   \ |_   _| /   _ \
 /  /_  |  _ _/ | |    | |_| | |  |\  | |  [] |  | |_  |  _ _/
|_ _ _|  \ _ _| |_|    |_ _ _| | _| \_|  \ _ /   |_ _|  \ _ _|
You are now in timetable mode

2. Test Cases

2.1. Deleting a task

2.1.1. Deleting a task while all tasks in the existing tasklist is listed.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Timetable mode. Enter mode /t command to enter Timetable mode. List all tasks in the tasklist using the list command. There must be existing tasks in the list.
ii. Test case: delete 1
Expected: First task is deleted from the tasklist.
iii. Test case: delete 0
Expected: No task is deleted. Error message will be printed in the command line interface.
iv. Other incorrect delete commands to try: delete, delete x (where x is larger than the number of tasks in the tasklist)
Expected: No task is deleted. Error message will be printed in the command line interface.

2.2. Adding a task

2.2.1 Adding a task to the tasklist.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Timetable mode. Enter mode /t command to enter Timetable mode.
ii. Test case: add /t test task /by 10-10-2020 2000
Expected: Task is added into the tasklist with a success message printed.
iii. Test case: add /t test task
Expected: An error message will be printed in the command line interface.
iv. Test case: add
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed.
v. Test case: add /t test task /by 2020-10-10 2000
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message (date format should be dd-MM-yyyy HHmm) will be printed in the command line interface.

2.3. Marking a task as done

2.3.1 Marking a task as done while there are existing task in the tasklist.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Timetable mode. Enter mode /t command to enter Timetable mode. List all tasks in the tasklist using the list command. There must be existing tasks in the list.
ii. Test case: done 1
Expected: First task should be marked as done in the tasklist.
iii. Test case: done 0
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.
iv. Other incorrect done commands to try: done, done x (where x is larger than the number of tasks in the tasklist)
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.

2.4. Tagging a Task

2.4.1. Tagging an existing task in the tasklist.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Timetable mode. Enter mode /t command to enter Timetable mode. List all tasks in the tasklist using the list command. There must be existing tasks in the list.
ii. Test case: tag 1 /tschoolWork
Expected: Task in index 1 of the tasklist is tagged with a tag ‘schoolWork’.
iii. Test case: tag 1
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.
iv. Test case: tag
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.
v. Test case: tag schoolWork
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.

2.5. Listing a Task

2.5.1. Listing existing task in the tasklist.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Timetable mode. Enter mode /t command to enter Timetable mode. There must be existing tasks in the list. Listing all existing task in the tasklist.
i. Test case: list
Expected: All existing tasks in the tasklist will be printed out. Listing all marked as done existing tasks in the tasklist.
i. Test case: list /d
Expected: All existing marked as done tasks in the tasklist will be printed out. Listing all undone existing tasks in the tasklist.
i. Test case: list /u
Expected: All existing undone tasks in the tasklist will be printed out. Listing all urgent existing tasks in the tasklist.
i. Test case: list /urgent
Expected: All existing urgent tasks in the tasklist will be printed out.

2.6. Executing a mode switch

2.6.1. Switching between Timetable mode and Notebook mode.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Timetable mode. Enter mode /t command to enter Timetable mode.
ii. Test case: mode /n
Expected: Mode is switched to Notebook mode.
iii. Test case: mode /t
Expected: Mode is switched to Timetable mode.
iv. Test case: mode
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message (missing follow up command ‘/n’ or ‘/t’) will be printed in the command line interface.

2.7. Finding a Task using a keyword

2.7.1. Finding all tasks that contains a specified keyword.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Timetable mode. Enter mode /t command to enter Timetable mode. List all tasks in the tasklist using the list command. There must be existing tasks in the list.
ii. Test case: find Project
Expected: All tasks with tags that contains the word ‘Project’ will be printed. If the tasks do not have tags, it will list the tasks with titles that contain the keyword ‘Project’.
iii. Test case: find
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.

2.8. Adding a Notebook/Section/Page

2.8.1. Adding a respective notebook/section/page in their respective list.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Notebook mode. Enter mode /n command to enter Notebook mode. Adding a Notebook.
i. Prerequisites: User must not be in a selected notebook or section. User should type mode /n before executing this test case.
ii. Test case: add /nCS2113T
Expected: Notebook ‘CS2113T’ is added to the notebookShelf with a success message printed. Adding a Section.
i. Prerequisites: User must select a notebook. Enter select /n[NOTEBOOK] to enter a specified notebook.
ii. Test case: add /sChapter 1
Expected: Section ‘Chapter 1’ is added to the specified notebook with a success message printed. Adding a Page.
i. Prerequisites: User must select a Section. Enter select /s[SECTION] to enter a specified section.
ii. Test case: add /pPage 1 ; a test page
Expected: Page ‘Page 1’ along with content ‘a test page’ is added to the specified section with a success message printed.

2.9. Selecting a Notebook/Section/Page

2.9.1. Selecting a respective notebook/section/page in their respective list.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Notebook mode. Enter mode /n command to enter Notebook mode. Selecting a Notebook.
i. Test case: select /nCS2113T
Expected: The user will enter the selected notebook ‘CS2113T’ with a success message printed. Selecting a Section.
i. Test case: select /sChapter 1
Expected: The user will enter the selected Section ‘Chapter 1’ with a success message printed. Selecting a Page.
i. Test case: select /pPage 1
Expected: The user will enter the selected Page ‘Page 1’ with a success message printed.
ii. Test case: select /nCS2113T /sChapter 1 /pPage 1
Expected: The user will enter the selected Page ‘Page 1’ with a success message printed.

2.10. Deleting a Notebook/Section/Page

2.10.1. Deleting a respective notebook/section/page in their respective list.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Notebook mode. Enter mode /n command to enter Notebook mode. There must be existing notebooks/sections/pages in the respective list when command list is entered. Deleting a notebook.
i. Test case: delete /nCS2113T
Expected: The selected notebook ‘CS2113T’ will be deleted, along with the sections and pages under it, with a success message printed. Deleting a section.
i. Test case: delete /sChapter 1
Expected: The selected section ‘Chapter 1’ will be deleted, along with the pages under it, with a success message printed. Deleting a notebook.
i. Test case: delete /pPage 1
Expected: The selected page ‘Page 1’ will be deleted with a success message printed.

2.11. Listing a Notebook/Section/Page

2.11.1 Listing existing notebook/section/page in the NotebookShelf.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Notebook mode. Enter mode /n command to enter Notebook mode. There must be existing notebooks/sections/pages in the respective list when command list is entered.
ii. Test case: list
Expected: All existing Notebooks/Sections/Pages will be listed in the given NotebookShelf/Notebook/Section respectively. Listing all n task in the tasklist.
i. Test case: list /a
Expected: All notebooks, sections and pages will be printed out. Listing the list of notebooks and their sections
i. Prerequisites: User must be in a notebook and not in a section.
ii. Test case: list /s
Expected: All notebooks, and their respective sections will be printed out.

2.12. Tagging a Notebook/Section/Page

2.12.1. Tagging an existing notebook/section/page in the list.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Notebook mode. Enter mode /n command to enter Notebook mode. List all tasks in the tasklist using the list command. There must be existing tasks in the list.
ii. Test case: tag /tschoolWork
Expected: Specified name of notebook/section/page in the list is tagged with a tag ‘schoolWork’.
iii. Test case: tag
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.

2.13. Finding a Notebook/Section/Page using a keyword

2.13.1. Finding all notebooks/sections/pages that contains a specified keyword.
i. Prerequisites: User must be in the Notebook mode. Enter mode /n command to enter Notebook mode. List all notebooks/sections/pages in the notebookShelf using the list /a command. There must be existing notebooks/sections/pages in the list.
ii. Test case: find Project
Expected: All notebooks/sections/pages with tags that contains the word ‘Project’ will be printed. If the notebooks/sections/pages do not have tags, it will list the notebooks/sections/pages with titles that contain the keyword ‘Project’.
iii. Test case: find
Expected: An error message along with a formatting guideline message will be printed in the command line interface.

3. Saving Data

3.1. Dealing with corrupted data files
i. Click on the folder that the jar file had been saved in.
ii. Select all the ‘tasks.txt’, ‘notebooks.txt’ and ‘nameOfUser.txt’ files.
iii. Delete all the files.
iv. Restart the application by double-clicking the jar file and running Zer0Note.
Expected: The Command Line Interface should launch with a welcome note from Zer0Note as shown in Appendix F, 1.1.

3.2. Dealing with corrupted name file
i. Click on the folder that the jar file had been saved in.
ii. Select the ‘nameOfUser.txt’ file.
iii. Delete the file named ‘nameOfUser.txt’
iv. Restart the application by double-clicking the jar file. Re-enter the name of user.
Expected: The Command Line Interface should launch with a welcome note from Zer0Note as shown in Appendix F, 1.1.

3.3. Changing of saved name
i. Click on the folder that the jar file had been saved in.
ii. Double-click the ‘nameOfUser.txt’ file to edit it.
iii. Change the name in the txt file with the desired name and save the file.
iv. Re-run Zer0Note with the desired name.
Expected: The Command Line Interface should launch with a welcome note from Zer0Note with the desired name that was entered in the nameOfUser.txt file.